CASE (Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology) at Rensselaer Project in collaboration with Cindy Zhou. Boardwalk Farms is a urban farm proposal for Coney Island. It incorporates hydroponic farming with a farmers’ market and theme park program pods to increase accessibility to fresh food within the community and encourage food & farming education. The farming columns are enclosed within a folding glass enclosure to protect plants from outside elements and allow operation year long. Food stands and other market program is located on north side of the site near Surf Avenue, where it is easily accessible to the public. The amusement program is located on the south end of the site near Riegalmann Boardwalk and include a variety of carnival activities related to hydroponics. Designed as an farm attraction, Boardwalk Farms intends to be both fun and functional. Visitors can learn about and participate in farming, engage in theme park activities, and get fresh produce grown on site from the market.