ARCH 7530-001 Building Performance Simulation This project is a simple design for an energy-efficient community center for a local nonprofit Phoenix, AZ. The default building program was set to 2019 ASHRAE Standards. Benchmarking standards were used to establish an annual EUI goal for the building. It was designed utilizing climate analysis, solar radiation heat maps, natural ventilation, and adaptive comfort mapping workflows to compare the base case, unconditioned and conditioned space. Proper orientation, window-to-wall ratio, and building envelope assembly was taken into account on the design. Once the building was optimized without systems, different HVAC systems were tested to have the lost EUI and comfort for the climate. In addition, the operational carbon for the building was calculated utilizing rooftop radiation analysis to determine where to place PV on the roof. Software: Pollination, Ladybug Tool, Honeybee, Grasshopper, eGrid, PVwatts